Tuesday, 23rd July 2024

Saudi Cement Company Announces the Opening of Board Membership Nomination for its Next Term.

Element List Explanation
Introduction Saudi Cement Company announces the opening of nomination for the Board of Directors Membership for the next four-year term of the Board of Directors, which begins on 01 January 2025 and ends on 31 December 2028.

Those who are willing to nominate themselves for the Board of Directors Membership, who meet the membership conditions and standards, must submit their nomination applications within the specified period and in accordance with the details contained in this announcement.

The nomination for the Board of Directors Membership will be in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law, its Executive Regulations, and the Corporate Governance Regulations and the Regulations on Board Membership Standards and Procedures approved by the Company’s shareholders General Assembly and the Regulations on Competitive Activity Standards approved by the Company’s shareholders General Assembly.

The Board of Directors for the new term will be elected at the next General Assembly meeting, which will be announced later after obtaining the necessary approvals from the relevant authorities.

Type of Assembly New Session
Term Start Date 2025-01-01
Term End Date 2028-12-31
Number of members 11
Nomination Start Date 2024-07-21 Corresponding to 1446-01-15
Nomination End Date 2024-08-21 Corresponding to 1446-02-17
Applications Submission Method The nomination applications, their attachments and a copy of the national identity card shall be sent to the following e-mail address:


For more information, please call Mr. Bandar Al-Hamid during the working hours from 7:00 AM to 3:PM on his telephone No. 013-8358033.

Policy and criteria of nomination The candidate must fulfill the conditions of the nomination for the Board of Directors membership in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and as follows:

1-Fulfilling the conditions and standards of membership contained in the Regulations on Board Membership Standards and Procedures. (attached)

2-The applicant shall not have been convicted of an offence prejudicial to honor or integrity.

3-The applicant shall not be banned from work in joint stock companies by a decision of CMA or other bodies regulating capital markets inside or outside the Kingdom.

4-The applicant may not be involved, at the time of application, in any activity that is competitive with Company or its affiliates, within the geographical boundaries of KSA, and boundaries of countries of the Company’s affiliates, and in particular the following:

a.The applicant’s establishment of a company or sole proprietorship or possession of 5% or more of shares or stocks of a competitor.

b.The applicant should not be a board member of a competitor or holds an executive position of a competitor.

c.The applicant should not have a commercial agency or the like, whether apparent or hidden, of a competitor.

d.The applicant should not be a committee member of a competitor.

e.The applicant should not be one of those providing technical, administrative or consulting works or an employee to any competitor.

5-At the time of application for Board membership, the applicant shall not be a board member of five joint stock companies listed on the stock market.

6-Submit a written request for nomination to the Company’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee accompanied by the following documents:

A.A CV in both Arabic and English language with copies of the applicants’ qualifications and experience certificates in the field of corporate business management, whether directly through an executive position the applicant held, or indirectly through members of boards of directors. (attached)

B.Submitting a signed copy in Arabic and English of the nomination forms for membership in the Board of Directors issued by the Capital Market Authority and the Saudi Tadawul Company. (attached)

C.The applicant who was a board member of a joint stock Company (inside or outside the Kingdom) shall submit a statement of such company/companies.

D.The applicant shall submit a statement of the companies or establishments that the applicant is a member of their boards of directors or holds a share therein, and disclose whether or not these companies carry out business similar to that or competitive of the Saudi Cement Company or have contracts or common interests with the Company.

E.The applicant shall submit a statement of the joint stock companies and other establishments that the applicant is expected to be a board member therein or take part in managing them during the session of the board membership the applicant runs for.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will study the candidates’ applications received, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2) of Article Sixty-Two of the Corporate Governance Regulations issued by the Capital Market Authority.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will exclude any candidate who does not meet the membership conditions and standards mentioned in the Regulations on Board Membership Standards and Procedures (attached), and will also exclude incomplete nomination applications submitted during the nomination period.

Attachment of the CMA approved resume for the nominees for board memberships in the joint-stock companies listed on the Saudi Exchange Click Here
Attached Documents Click Here

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